Welcome to Ohio Valley Cold Cases

Home Of The Ohio Valley Cold Case Initiative

Friday, July 1, 2011

Deputizing Social Media Nation

With everyone embracing social media as a way to build their brand, why not think even further out of the box and bring in a public service element?

How cool would it be if your Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin presence or your Blog prompted the one tip that ultimately solves a years-old cold case?

The Interactive Cold Case Map on this blog site is a graphic — if not chilling — visual of more than 30 unsolved murder, suspicious death and missing person cases within a 25-mile radius of a point between Bridgeport, Ohio and Wheeling, W.Va. More will be added as information becomes available.

This unspeakable travesty of justice has prompted us to birth the Ohio Valley Cold Case Initiative. A part of our effort is to create an interstate, multi-jurisdictional Task Force of reputable retired police investigators working with current law enforcement agencies to investigate these cases.

Another part of the initiative is to lobby local, state and national elected officials for funding exclusively for cold case investigation. This has happened in other jurisdictions around the country and we believe our 25-mile circle deserves the same attention. We need you to help get their attention by showing strength in numbers. This blog site currently has 30 followers. You can help grow that to thousands simply by showing an interest. Sign on as a public follower.

Ironically, one of the most talked about victims in the Ohio Valley unknowingly issues a call of duty to all of us from the grave. It has been 34 years since someone raped and murdered Sister Roberta Elam, a 26-year-old postulant nun, in broad daylight on the grounds of the Mount St. Joseph Convent. Inside her personal bible, police found a hand-written note with these words: “So long as I can see, I will keep looking. So long as I can walk, I will keep moving. So long as I can stand, I will keep fighting.”

At the time of her death, Sister Robin had a mother and father, a sister and two brothers. She and all of these victims left behind brokenhearted loved ones who need your help.

If you want to make a difference, raise you mouse and repeat this oath:

I will do everything in my power to give voice to the silenced lips of these victims and help their families find justice.
I will sign on as a follower to the ovcoldcases.com blog.
I will share this post with all of my Facebook friends and/or Linkedin connections and/or retweet it to my Twitter followers.
I will blog about this initiative and add ovcoldcases.com to my Blog Role.
I will encourage my friends, connections and followers to do the same.

Congratulations! You are now an authorized Ohio Valley Cold Case Deputy. The victims’ surviving loved ones thank you. 


NancyDrewGirl said...

Ironically, I was browsing through cold cases on the 'net yesterday and read about Sister Robin. As a reporter for Tyler Star News who covers circuit court, I am fascinated by the stories I cover. As a lover of crime novels, I am fascinated by murder mysteries. I bookmarked this page and will continue to follow these "unsolved mysteries". Thanks for providing the information!

NancyDrewGirl said...

As a reporter for a local paper, I cover circuit court. I am always interested in the stories behind the courtroom drama - and I am a crime fiction addict, as well. Thanks for the webpage, it's great.
Ironically, I was surfing the 'net yesterday, looking at cold cases, and read about Sister Robin.....